Sunday, July 24, 2011

Flippery Feline Fish

Megan's new word: Flippery
Used in a sentence: "Dad, I won't hold that fish if it's going to be all flippery!"

I took Megan, Aaron and my Dad out to LB Saturday morning, and it turned out to be a productive day. We launched at 7:30ish and headed over to the mouth of the benjamin slough where we've had good success for cats for that last month or so. We did our usual with a night crawler under a bobber. (why does the spell check not recognize 'bobber' as a word?) We managed to boat two bull heads and lost a nice channel cat as we were trying to get it in the net. I missed a whole lot of bites and I'm thinking maybe I need to buy a hook sharpener. At 9:00 the biting stopped and at 9:30 we headed out to find a new spot.

We headed over to what I think is called "the L" and anchored in about 4 feet of water. Most of us took our bobbers off and just sunk the worms weightless. I left the bobber on my daughters pole because I figured it would be easier for her to detect a strike. It worked and she soon boated a nice channel cat. I convinced her (and the fish) to hold still for a quick picture.

We boated a total of 4 channels, 2 bullheads and one carp to use for bait next time. At one point my Dad had something REALLY big hooked (I don't think I've ever seem a pole bend so much) but his line broke as we were getting ready to net it. I'm guessing the first thing he did when he got home was change out his 20 year old line.